Breaking News
Saturday 22 December 2012

Info Post

After 26 lives were lost last week in Newtown, CT, no one can deny that our nation has a problem with violent crimes involving guns.

It's time that WE, the people of the Unites States, push to put an end to gun violence in our country.

Obviously, the goal is lofty, and arguably impossible. But if we don't at least TRY something different, if we don't come together and attempt to come up with an alternative plan, then nothing will ever change and we will become victims of our own inaction.

Beyoncé, Jessica Alba, Selena Gomez, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Chris Rock, Ellen DeGeneres and Conan O'Brien, among MANY other celebrities, urge YOU to get involved with Demand a Plan to End Gun Violence, an organization sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns (above).

Guns are purely convenient death-causing machines. Their only purpose is to cause pain. Why not do everything possible to rid ourselves of such items? Why not do everything possible to save lives?

It is imperative for the peaceful future of our society.

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